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细胞名称 MDCK(NBL-2)狗肾细胞
Cell Name
描述 1958年九月 S.H. Madin and N.B. Darby从一只外观正常的成年雌性英国小猎犬的肾分离等到MDCK细胞株。角蛋白免疫过氧化物酶染色呈阳性。MDCK被用于研究β-粥样蛋白前体的处理及其蛋白水解产物。 在本库通过支原体检测。
动物种别 狗
组织来源 肾
Tissue and Cell Type
形态 上皮细胞
培养基和添加剂 MEM培养基(GIBCO,货号41500034,添加NaHCO3 1.5g/L,Sodium Pyruvate 0.11g/L),90%;优质胎牛血清,10%。 气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。 温度:37摄氏度。
Complete Growth Medium and Culture Conditions
供应限制 A。仅供研究之用。
Permits and Restrictions
REFERENCE Didier ES et al. Characterization of Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinailis isolates cultured from nasal mucosa and bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of two AIDS patients. J. Eukaryob Microbiol. 43: 34-43, 1996 PubMed:96151459 Haass C et al. Polarized sorting of beta-amyloid precursor protein and its proteolytic products in MDCK cells is regulated by two independent signals. J. Cell Biol.128: 537-547. 1995 PubMed: 95164557 Gaush CR et al. Characterization of an established line of canine kidney cells (MDCK). Prec. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 122: 931~935, 1966 PubMed: 67017094 Loftier S et al. CDg, a tetraspan transmembrane protein, renders cells susceptible to canine distemper virus. J. Virol. 71: 42-49, 1997 PubMed: 97138295 Mead JR et al. In vitro expression of mRNA coding for a Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst wall protein. J.Eukaryot. Microbiol. 43: 84-85, 1996 von Dippe P et ah The functional expression of sodium-dependent bile acid transport in Madio-Darby canine kidney ceils transfected with the cDNA for microeomal epoxide hydrolase. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 18176-18180. !996 PubMed: 96279370 Panneerselvam K and Freeze HH. Mannose enters mammalian cells using a specific transporter that isinsensitive to glucose. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 9417-9421, 1996 PubMed: 96199195 Stuart RO et al. Dependence of epithelial intercellular junction biogenesis on t h apsigargin –sensitive intracellular calcium stores. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 13638-13641, 1996 PubMed: 96278793 Grindstaff KK et al. Translational regulation of Na,K-ATPase alpha1 and beta1 polypeptide expression in epithelial cells. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 23211-23221, 1996 PubMed: 96394411 Hay, R. J., Caputo, J. L, and Macy, M. L., Eds. (1992), ATCC Quality Control Methods for Cell Lines. 2nd edition, Published by ATCC. Caputo, J. L., Biosafety procedures in cell culture. J. Tissue Culture Methods 11:223-227, 1988. Fleming, D.C., Richardson, J. H., Tulis, J.J. and Vesley, D., (1995) Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practice. Second edition, ASM press, Washington, DC. Centers for Disease Control (1993), Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories Human Health Service Publication No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services; 3rd Edition U.S. Government Printing Office Washington D.C.






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2. 所有动物细胞均视为有潜在的生物危害性,必须在二级生物安全台内操作,并请注意防护,所有废液及接触过此细胞的器皿需要灭菌后方能丢弃。


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